I want to take two dictionaries and print a diff of them. This diff should include the differences in keys AND values. I've created this little snippet to achieve the results using built-in code in the unittest module. However, it's a nasty hack since I have to subclass unittest.TestCase and provide a runtest() method for it to work. In addition, this code will cause the application to error out since it will raise an AssertError when there are differences. All I really want is to print the diff.

import unittest
class tmp(unittest.TestCase):
    def __init__(self):
         # Show full diff of objects (dicts could be HUGE and output truncated)
        self.maxDiff = None
    def runTest():
_ = tmp()
_.assertDictEqual(d1, d2)

I was hoping to use the difflib module, but it looks to only work for strings. Is there some way to work around this and still use difflib?

  • possible duplicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/1165352/…
    – Mark Reed
    Oct 18, 2012 at 14:32
  • @MarkReed -- This is different. That asked for the differences in keys, this asks for the difference in keys and values (I assume the OP needs key-value pairs) -- e.g. {1:2, 2:3} is different from {1:3,2:2}, but that's not actually explicitly stated...
    – mgilson
    Oct 18, 2012 at 14:36
  • @mgilson - I didn't put in a close request or mark this as a duplicate, but if you look at the accepted answer on that page, it includes value comparison, not just keyset comparison.
    – Mark Reed
    Oct 18, 2012 at 14:37
  • I don't necessarily mind this solution. However, is there a way to clean it up a bit? Two things I would want to change: 1. Catch/suppress AssertError (easy to do but seems weird) 2. Use assertDictEqual without having to subclass TestCase.
    – durden2.0
    Oct 18, 2012 at 14:59

8 Answers 8


Adapted from the cpython source:


import difflib
import pprint

def compare_dicts(d1, d2):
    return ('\n' + '\n'.join(difflib.ndiff(

You can use difflib, but the use unittest method seems more appropriate to me. But if you wanted to use difflib. Let's say say the following are the two dicts.

In [50]: dict1
Out[50]: {1: True, 2: False}

In [51]: dict2
Out[51]: {1: False, 2: True}

You may need to convert them to strings (or list of strings) and then go about using difflib as a normal business.

In [43]: a = '\n'.join(['%s:%s' % (key, value) for (key, value) in sorted(dict1.items())])
In [44]: b = '\n'.join(['%s:%s' % (key, value) for (key, value) in sorted(dict2.items())])
In [45]: print a
In [46]: print b
In [47]: for diffs in difflib.unified_diff(a.splitlines(), b.splitlines(), fromfile='dict1', tofile='dict2'):
    print diffs

THe output would be:

--- dict1

+++ dict2

@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

  • This looks pretty cool. Good idea. Why would you say the unittest method is more appropriate here?
    – durden2.0
    Oct 18, 2012 at 14:57
  • @durden2.0 unittest method seems to provide an easier way to do. no translating to string required, etc. Oct 18, 2012 at 15:07

You can use .items() along with sets to do something like this:

>>> d = dict((i,i) for i in range(10))
>>> d2 = dict((i,i) for i in range(1,11))
>>> set(d.items()) - set(d2.items())
set([(0, 0)])
>>> set(d2.items()) - set(d.items())
set([(10, 10)])
>>> set(d2.items()) ^ set(d.items())  #symmetric difference
set([(0, 0), (10, 10)])
>>> set(d2.items()).symmetric_difference(d.items())  #only need to actually create 1 set
set([(0, 0), (10, 10)])

I found a library (not very well documented) called datadiff which gives out the diffs of hashable data structures in python. you can install it with pip or easy_install. Give it a try!


See Python recipe to create difference (as dictionary) of two dictionaries. Could you describe what the output should looks like (please attach an example)?

  • I'm not really set on a printing format. I guess something that looks like standard unidiff would be nice. However, the printing of assertDiffEqual() is not bad. Here are some examples:AssertionError: {'a': 'a'} != {'a': 'abc'} - {'a': 'a'} + {'a': 'abc'} ? ++ AssertionError: {'a': 1} != {'a': 2} - {'a': 1} ? ^ + {'a': 2} ? ^
    – durden2.0
    Oct 18, 2012 at 14:52

using @mgilson's solution and taking it a step further for the OP's request to work with unittest module.

def test_dict_diff(self):
    dict_diff = list(set(self.dict_A.items()).symmetric_difference(set(self.dict_B.items()))))
    fail_message = "too many differences:\nThe differences:\n" +
                   "%s" % "\n".join(dict_diff)
    self.assertTrue((len(dict_diff) < self.maxDiff), fail_message)
  • This is pretty neat, but I think using the built-in assertDictEqual() is a better solution if the code is already using the unittest module.
    – durden2.0
    Oct 19, 2012 at 13:36
  • assertDictEqual is in 2.7+ i use 2.6 ... and so i assume everyone does. :P but yes, that would be better to use.
    – Inbar Rose
    Oct 21, 2012 at 7:54

Check out https://github.com/inveniosoftware/dictdiffer

print list(diff(
    {2014: [
        dict(month=6, category=None, sum=672.00),
        dict(month=6, category=1, sum=-8954.00),
        dict(month=7, category=None, sum=7475.17),
        dict(month=7, category=1, sum=-11745.00),
        dict(month=8, category=None, sum=-12140.00),
        dict(month=8, category=1, sum=-11812.00),
        dict(month=9, category=None, sum=-31719.41),
        dict(month=9, category=1, sum=-11663.00),

    {2014: [
       dict(month=6, category=None, sum=672.00),
       dict(month=6, category=1, sum=-8954.00),
       dict(month=7, category=None, sum=7475.17),
       dict(month=7, category=1, sum=-11745.00),
       dict(month=8, category=None, sum=-12141.00),
       dict(month=8, category=1, sum=-11812.00),
       dict(month=9, category=None, sum=-31719.41),
       dict(month=9, category=1, sum=-11663.00),

gives this output which I think is pretty great:

[('change', ['2014', 4, 'sum'], (-12140.0, -12141.0))]

i.e. it gives what happened: a value "changed", the path "['2014', 4, 'sum']" and that it changed from -12140.0 to -12141.0.


This function returns a string and a flattened dictionary with the differences between the dictionaries

from collections.abc import MutableMapping
import pandas as pd
def get_dict_value_differences(current_dict, past_dict):
    find the added keys and different values between the dictionaries
    :param current_dict:
    :param past_dict:
    :return: flattened dictionary of changed values
    current_flat_dict = flatten_dict(current_dict)
    past_flat_dict = flatten_dict(past_dict)

    flat_diff_dict = dict()
    for key, value in current_flat_dict.items():
        if key in current_flat_dict.keys() and key in past_flat_dict.keys():
            if current_flat_dict[key] != past_flat_dict[key]:
                flat_diff_dict[key] = current_flat_dict[key]
        elif key in current_flat_dict.keys():
            flat_diff_dict[key] = current_flat_dict[key]

    diff_str = str(*[str(k) + ':' + str(v) for k, v in flat_diff_dict.items()])
    return flat_diff_dict, diff_str

def flatten_dict(d: MutableMapping, sep: str= '.') -> MutableMapping:
    [flat_dict] = pd.json_normalize(d, sep=sep).to_dict(orient='records')
    return flat_dict

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