I'm new to C# and I'm trying to learn (I've been asking a few questions lately on it - my only programming knowledge is in Python, PHP and Javascript). Anyway, I found some examples on the web for how to generate a picklist in C#, and I'm trying to use/modify them to fit my existing code. The results are coming up with an expected class error - but I'm creating a class! Here's my code:

private void PeerReview()

            MySqlConnection connection;
            string connStringName = "server=localhost;database=hourtracking;uid=username;password=password";
            connection = new MySqlConnection(connStringName);

            cmd.CommandText = "select name from peer_review_info where active_status=1";
            cmd.Connection = connection;
            using (SqlDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                while (sdr.Read())
                    ListItem item = new ListItem();
                    item.Text = sdr["peerrevid"].ToString();
                    item.Value = sdr["peerrevid"].ToString();
                    item.Selected = Convert.ToBoolean(sdr["IsSelected"]);

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!IsPostBack)
  • Wait, or am I just using a method of a class that does not exist? Oct 19, 2012 at 13:20
  • 2
    Where do you get this error? (Where are the coloured squiggles?)
    – Rawling
    Oct 19, 2012 at 13:20
  • 1
    Can you show the whole code, including class? Oct 19, 2012 at 13:23

1 Answer 1


You have too many closing braces. Should be:

private void PeerReview()
    MySqlConnection connection;
    string connStringName =
    connection = new MySqlConnection(connStringName);

    cmd.CommandText = "select name from peer_review_info where active_status=1";
    cmd.Connection = connection;
    using (SqlDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
        while (sdr.Read())
            ListItem item = new ListItem();
            item.Text = sdr["peerrevid"].ToString();
            item.Value = sdr["peerrevid"].ToString();
            item.Selected = Convert.ToBoolean(sdr["IsSelected"]);

Well, actually it needs more changes than that; the connection needs a using, and it is very unclear where cmd is defined, but that also needs a using and should not be shared (it should be scoped to this method). I would rewrite as:

private void PeerReview()
    string connStringName = SomethingExternal.GetConnectionString();

    using(var connection = new MySqlConnection(connStringName))
    using(var cmd = connection.CreateCommand())
        cmd.CommandText =
            "select name from peer_review_info where active_status=1";
        using (var sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
            while (sdr.Read())
                ListItem item = new ListItem();
                item.Text = sdr["peerrevid"].ToString();
                item.Value = sdr["peerrevid"].ToString();
                item.Selected = Convert.ToBoolean(sdr["IsSelected"]);

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