Silex PHP microframework does a callback injection based on the automatic type hinting. For example, in Silex one can supply a Closure argument with arbitrary arguments like so:

$app->get('/blog/show/{postId}/{commentId}', function ($commentId, $postId) {
$app->get('/blog/show/{id}', function (Application $app, Request $request, $id) {
// following works just as well - order of arguments is not important
$app->get('/blog/show/{id}', function (Request $request, Application $app, $id) {

How do I do this? I'm not interested in getting parameter types as strings. I am looking for a "no strings" fully automatic solution. In other words,

  1. For a number of possible arguments:

    $possible_arguments = [
        new Class_A(), 
        new Class_B(), 
        new Class_C(), 
        new Another_Class, 
  2. For a closure with any number of arbitrary arguments, that can only include those defined above only once:

    $closure = function (Class_B $b, Another_Class, $a) {
        // Do something with $a and $b
  3. I need to get only matching arguments in order to call the closure with them:

    // $arguments is now [$possible_arguments[1], $possible_arguments[3]]
    call_user_func_array($closure, $arguments);
  • 3
    They will be using Reflection. A closure is converted to an instance of the Closure class internally, reflection works on it just like any other object. You should be able to get the closure's argument list by inspecting the object's __invoke() method.
    – DaveRandom
    Dec 20, 2012 at 8:42

2 Answers 2


My guess would be using reflection.


Super simple example:

function pre($var)
    echo '<pre>' . var_export($var, true) . '</pre>';

interface TestInterface

class TestClass
    public function __construct(TestInterface $testArg)

function TestFunc(TestInterface $testArg)

// for a class...

$className = 'TestClass';
$methodName = '__construct';

$argNumber = 0;

$ref = new ReflectionParameter([$className, $methodName], $argNumber);


// for a function...
$funcName = 'TestFunc';
$argNumber = 0;

$ref = new ReflectionParameter($funcName, $argNumber);


Another question I found on stackoverflow might be a better answer to your question: PHP Reflection - Get Method Parameter Type As String


Indeed they're using Reflection, specifically in the ControllerResolver class.

If you let me to simplify to include only one case of Closure and only object-type arguments:

$availableArguments = array($a, new B(), $c);
$arguments = array();
$reflection = new \ReflectionFunction($callback);  // $callback is a Closure
foreach ($reflection->getParameters() as $param) {
    if ($paramClass = $param->getClass()) {
        foreach ($availableArguments as $proposedArgument) {
            if ($paramClass->isInstance($proposedArgument)) {
                $arguments[] = $proposedArgument;
call_user_func_array($callback, $arguments);

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