Is it possible to fetch all collections in an entity hierarchy eagerly in a particular query only?

For example,

entity Department has a list of entity Employee. Employee has a list of entity Address and a list of entity Credentials. Department has another list of entity Project.

I want to eagerly fetch all these collections (in my real case there are more collections) in a particular query SELECT dept FROM Department dept and not in other cases (so can't be annotated with FetchType.EAGER). Is it possible?

I am using Eclipselink.

Thanks in advance.

  • cant you have collection in Department Entity class like department.getEmployees() ?
    – vels4j
    Jan 3, 2013 at 10:15

3 Answers 3


You can use join fetching, batch fetching, or load groups.

I would recommend batch fetching over join fetching, as it will perform significantly better with multiple collections.



Also, http://www.eclipse.org/eclipselink/documentation/2.4/jpa/extensions/q_batch.htm#batch




Nested fetch joins are not allowed by JPA, you should use the EclipseLink query hint eclipselink.join-fetch. See the answer to this question.


If I recall correctly, you need to use FETCH JOIN statements in your query.

See also: Fetch Joins

  • Doesn't it require me to FETCH JOIN each collection in the hierarchy?
    – Naveed S
    Jan 3, 2013 at 9:27
  • @NaveedS Not if you build your query dynamically to include the fetch only when you need it. Jan 3, 2013 at 9:29

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