Given a multiset of n positive integers partition them into 17 parts such that the maximum sum of the parts is minimized.

I need the algorithm for the above question in time polynomial in n and M, where M is the maximum element in the multiset. I have tried DP and would love to know if there is a DP algo which can solve this efficiently

  • possibly a duplicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/6454598/… with k = 17. The runtime of the DP algorithm is O(n x M x k).
    – Faraz
    Feb 26, 2013 at 1:45
  • But there is a fundamental difference as in the above question reordering of numbers is prohibited but not in my question
    – 1234
    Mar 3, 2013 at 11:15
  • This question allows us to reorder the elements. I think it is difficult than the question referred in above comment.
    – Swapniel
    Sep 30, 2014 at 13:48


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