Can anyone tell me if there is an equivalent of SCOPE_IDENTITY() when using GUIDs as a primary key in SQL Server?

I don't want to create the GUID first and save as a variable as we're using sequential GUIDs as our primary keys.

Any idea on what the best way to retrieve the last inserted GUID primary key?

5 Answers 5


You can get the GUID back by using OUTPUT. This works when you're inserting multiple records also.

    ColGuid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL DEFAULT NewSequentialID(),
    Col2    int              NOT NULL

    ColGuid uniqueidentifier

INSERT INTO dbo.GuidPk (
OUTPUT inserted.ColGuid
INTO @op


SELECT * FROM dbo.GuidPk

Reference: Exploring SQL 2005’s OUTPUT Clause

  • 3
    As anishmarokey mentions, you should be using NewSequentialID() to generate your GUIDs and not NewID(). Oct 2, 2009 at 16:32
  • 1
    @RobGarrison Imo, GUID as a PK is only really advantageous over int/bigint in distributed systems. If you are hitting the DB to fetch an ID, you might as well use int/bigint. NewSequentialID() can only be used as a default constraint (you can't explicitly insert using NewSequentialID() for example). As such, I think the vast majority of scenarios where you can use it you should be doing things differently anyway.
    – Shiv
    May 14, 2018 at 0:58
  • The OUTPUT clause gives an error on any table that has an insert trigger attached. May 7, 2020 at 12:09

There is no SCOPE_IDENTITY() equivalent when using GUIDs as primary keys, but you can use the OUTPUT clause to achieve a similar result. You don't need to use a table variable for output.

CREATE TABLE dbo.GuidTest (
    GuidColumn uniqueidentifier NOT NULL DEFAULT NewSequentialID(),
    IntColumn int NOT NULL


INSERT INTO GuidTest(IntColumn)
OUTPUT inserted.GuidColumn

The example above is useful if you want to read the value from a .Net client. To read the value from .Net you would just use the ExecuteScalar method.

string sql = "INSERT INTO GuidTest(IntColumn) OUTPUT inserted.GuidColumn VALUES(1)";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);
Guid guid = (Guid)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

you want to use NEWID()

    declare @id uniqueidentifier
    set @id  = NEWID()
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[tbl1]

    select @id

but clustered index problem are there in GUID . read this one tooNEWSEQUENTIALID() .These are my ideas ,think before use GUID as primary Key . :)

  • 12
    "The newsequentialid() built-in function can only be used in a DEFAULT expression for a column of type 'uniqueidentifier' in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement. It cannot be combined with other operators to form a complex scalar expression." May 13, 2010 at 18:46
CREATE TABLE TestTable(KEY uniqueidentifier, ID VARCHAR(100), Name VARCHAR(100), Value tinyint);
Declare @id uniqueidentifier ;  
DECLARE @TmpTable TABLE (KEY uniqueidentifier);     
INSERT INTO [dbo].[TestTable]
    ([ID], [Name], Value])           
    OUTPUT INSERTED.KEY INTO @TmpTable           
    VALUES(@ID, @Name, @Value);           
SELECT @uniqueidentifier = KEY FROM @TmpTable; 

Using this thread as a resource, I created the following for use within a trigger:

DECLARE @nextId uniqueIdentifier;
DECLARE @tempTable TABLE(theKey uniqueIdentifier NOT NULL DEFAULT NewSequentialID(), b int);
INSERT INTO @tempTable (b) Values(@b);
SELECT @nextId = theKey from @tempTable;

Might help someone else doing the same thing. Curious if anyone has anything bad to say performance wise if this is not a good idea or not.

  • after re-reading the question, i realized this really doesn't answer the users question... but still might be helpful to someone because the similar answers are the same type of response. Dec 31, 2013 at 23:52

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