Here is the value i got from API server


Let say if i want to get determine if it's not missing word, i will know by looking at "-1" of the return. but when the word exist, it will returning me the following json


which is a random number. may i know how could i detect that's '-1' and determine the word doesn't exist? while i try to print x['query']['pages'] it will just throw all the following behind to me, but i don't know how to detect it's key error. thanks.

1 Answer 1


try print x['query']['pages'].keys(), which would give you ['-1'] for the first case and ['1080152'] for the second one.

if you just want to check '-1' in x['query']['pages']:

if '-1' in x['query']['pages']:
   # dictionary x['query']['pages'] has '-1' as a key

would suffice

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