I have a data array which contains many objects (JSON format). The following can be assumed as the contents of this array:

var data = [
    "name": "Jim",
    "age" : 25
    "name": "Jerry",
    "age": 27

Now, I display these details as:

<div ng-repeat="person in data | filter: query">

Here, query is modeled to an input field in which the user can restrict the data displayed.

Now, I have another location in which I display the current count of people / person being display, i.e Showing {{data.length}} Persons

What I want to do is that when the user searches for a person and the data displayed is filtered based on the query, the Showing...persons also change the value of people being shown currently. But it is not happening. It always displays the total persons in data rather than the filtered one - how do I get the count of filtered data?

8 Answers 8


For Angular 1.3+ (credits to @Tom)

Use an alias expression (Docs: Angular 1.3.0: ngRepeat, scroll down to the Arguments section):

<div ng-repeat="person in data | filter:query as filtered">

For Angular prior to 1.3

Assign the results to a new variable (e.g. filtered) and access it:

<div ng-repeat="person in filtered = (data | filter: query)">

Display the number of results:

Showing {{filtered.length}} Persons

Fiddle a similar example. Credits go to Pawel Kozlowski

  • 46
    This is the simple answer that doesn't repeat filter execution.
    – agmin
    Jan 22, 2014 at 18:24
  • 3
    @Ben: Yes. You can access it inside the controller using $scope.filtered.length.
    – Wumms
    Mar 18, 2014 at 11:53
  • 2
    That doesn't work for me. Logs undefined, likely because at the time of logging it, the variable isn't defined yet. So how would I ensure the code in the controller is run after the variable was defined and the filter was applied in the view?
    – Ben
    Mar 18, 2014 at 12:11
  • 6
    @Ben: I guess this is going off-topic. I'd consider creating a custom filter e.g. jsfiddle, however, you could also watch it inside the controller: $scope.$watch('filtered', function() { console.log('filtered:', $scope.filtered); });
    – Wumms
    Mar 18, 2014 at 14:32
  • 3
    The 1.3+ version didn't work if I wanted to add limitTo : person in data | filter:query as filtered | limitTo:5. So I had to use the prior to 1.3 version: person in filtered = (data | filter: query) | limitTo: 5
    – benjovanic
    Jul 21, 2016 at 8:24

For completeness, in addition to previous answers (perform calculation of visible people inside controller) you can also perform that calculations in your HTML template as in the example below.

Assuming your list of people is in data variable and you filter people using query model, the following code will work for you:

<p>Number of visible people: {{(data|filter:query).length}}</p>
<p>Total number of people: {{data.length}}</p>
  • {{data.length}} - prints total number of people
  • {{(data|filter:query).length}} - prints filtered number of people

Note that this solution works fine if you want to use filtered data only once in a page. However, if you use filtered data more than once e.g. to present items and to show length of filtered list, I would suggest using alias expression (described below) for AngularJS 1.3+ or the solution proposed by @Wumms for AngularJS version prior to 1.3.

New Feature in Angular 1.3

AngularJS creators also noticed that problem and in version 1.3 (beta 17) they added "alias" expression which will store the intermediate results of the repeater after the filters have been applied e.g.

<div ng-repeat="person in data | filter:query as results">
    <!-- template ... -->

<p>Number of visible people: {{results.length}}</p>

The alias expression will prevent multiple filter execution issue.

I hope that will help.

  • 4
    Will this mean the filter is executed twice?
    – Flash
    Jan 8, 2014 at 23:33
  • 9
    Yes, it is executed twice. Jan 22, 2014 at 23:34
  • 11
    make sure you read @Wumms answer before you decide to use this one (and you won't)...
    – epeleg
    Jun 25, 2014 at 6:52
  • 1
    Nevermind, I see the answer didn't contain the part about the alias expression when you made your comment. Sep 5, 2015 at 4:55
  • 2
    This answer supports multiple filter expressions unlike the current top answer. i.e) {{(data|filter:query|filter:query2).length}}
    – chakeda
    May 17, 2016 at 14:54

The easiest way if you have

<div ng-repeat="person in data | filter: query"></div>

Filtered data length

<div>{{ (data | filter: query).length }}</div>
  • This is most useful for anyone using angular utils dir-paginate directive as the aliasing and the pre ng-1.3 alternative are not supported.
    – pcnate
    Aug 19, 2016 at 15:38
  • Will this enumerate the data twice?
    – Jeppe
    Nov 6, 2018 at 15:04

ngRepeat creates a copy of the array when it applies a filter, so you can't use the source array to reference only the filtered elements.

In your case, in may be better to apply the filter inside of your controller using the $filter service:

function MainCtrl( $scope, filterFilter ) {
  // ...

  $scope.filteredData = myNormalData;

  $scope.$watch( 'myInputModel', function ( val ) {
    $scope.filteredData = filterFilter( myNormalData, val );

  // ...

And then you use the filteredData property in your view instead. Here is a working Plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/7c1l24rPkuKPOS5o2qtx?p=preview

  • 1
    What I understood is that I use {{filteredData.length}} instead of data.length. I also understood that myInputModel is the model mapped to the input query which filters the data. val would be the text that is typed in the input (basically query) but each time I type, it changes. But what is filterFilter here? I might add that I have my own customFilter created (wherein I can specify which key of the object to consider for filtering).
    – user109187
    Mar 9, 2013 at 22:09
  • That's right. Also just use ng-repeat="person in filteredData" as there is no sense filtering it twice. With the $filter service, you can ask for a specific filter by just suffixing it with "Filter", e.g.: dateFilter, jsonFilter, etc. If you are using your own custom filter, just use that one instead of the generic filterFilter. Mar 9, 2013 at 22:16
  • What about applying multiple filters to one ng-repeat, say you have 2 dropdowns with values and one text input field? Mar 13, 2013 at 8:44
  • The filter is just a function, so you'd just pass the output of the first filter to the second filter. Mar 13, 2013 at 17:39

Since AngularJS 1.3 you can use aliases:

item in items | filter:x as results

and somewhere:

<span>Total {{results.length}} result(s).</span>

From docs:

You can also provide an optional alias expression which will then store the intermediate results of the repeater after the filters have been applied. Typically this is used to render a special message when a filter is active on the repeater, but the filtered result set is empty.

For example: item in items | filter:x as results will store the fragment of the repeated items as results, but only after the items have been processed through the filter.

  • I am unable to apply $scope.$watch to this aliased result. Any tips for $broadcasting the aliased results variable?
    – DeBraid
    Feb 19, 2016 at 1:01

It is also useful to note that you can store multiple levels of results by grouping filters

all items: {{items.length}}
filtered items: {{filteredItems.length}}
limited and filtered items: {{limitedAndFilteredItems.length}}
<div ng-repeat="item in limitedAndFilteredItems = (filteredItems = (items | filter:search) | limitTo:25)">...</div>

here's a demo fiddle


Here is worked example See on Plunker

  <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
    <input ng-model="search" type="text">
    Showing {{data.length}} Persons; <br>
    Filtered {{counted}}
      <li ng-repeat="person in data | filter:search">

var app = angular.module('angularjs-starter', [])

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $filter) {
  $scope.data = [
      "name": "Jim", "age" : 21
    }, {
      "name": "Jerry", "age": 26
    }, {
      "name": "Alex",  "age" : 25
    }, {
      "name": "Max", "age": 22

  $scope.counted = $scope.data.length; 
  $scope.$watch("search", function(query){
    $scope.counted = $filter("filter")($scope.data, query).length;

  • 4
    The problem with this approach is that you're running the filter twice: once in the ngRepeat and once in the controller. Mar 10, 2013 at 0:30
  • Yea, you're right, can you post your working example based on your answer, i'd like to learn a bit more filters? Thanks.
    – Mak
    Mar 10, 2013 at 15:19
  • 2
    Sure. Here's the working Plunker: plnkr.co/edit/7c1l24rPkuKPOS5o2qtx?p=preview. I just edited yours. Mar 11, 2013 at 5:45

You can do it with 2 ways. In template and in Controller. In template you can set your filtered array to another variable, then use it like you want. Here is how to do it:

  <li data-ng-repeat="user in usersList = (users | gender:filterGender)" data-ng-bind="user.name"></li>
<span>{{ usersList.length | number }}</span>

If you need examples, see the AngularJs filtered count examples/demos

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