I am attempting to create a macro that creates X amount of named formulas that use the offset formula. The X will represent the number of data series (columns) that are on sheet1. This is how I want this to look for one of them to be created.

formula = offset($b$2,$a$2,0,$a$3,1)
activeworkbook.names.add Name:="test", Refers to:=formula

But I'm going to use a do loop until i = # of columns with values. So this is my best shot at this, and i'm sure there are plenty of errors because i can't make it run:

columns = activesheet.countif((1:1),"*"
i = 5 
do until i = columns

'This is where i want to define my static cells location (not value) to be referenced in the formula
    pan = cells(1,2)
    zoom = cells(1,3)

'This is where i want to define my dynamic cells location (not value) based on the current column
    series = cells(2,i)

'This is where i want to create a name formulas specific to each series
    formula = "=offset(" & series & "," & pan & ",0" & zoom & ",1)
    activeworkbook.names.add name:=cells(1,i), refersto:=formula

So my results are basically, I get a new name formula but the reference formula is filled with integers and not the actual cell address. This is because I'm using a formula that calls the cell's value rather than pasting the cells address.

Any help would be great.

  • 1
    have you tried CELLS.ADDRESS ?
    – user2140173
    Mar 14, 2013 at 9:28
  • could you please give some idea what you have in Cells(2,i)? just any expample... Mar 14, 2013 at 10:00

1 Answer 1


Ok, I figured out what i was doing wrong. When i recorded the macro, i didn't realize that it put

ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Height___zoom", RefersToR1C1:="=Data!R5C1"

Now I can simply make the do lop with the

columns = activesheet.countif((1:1),"*"
i = 5 
do until i = columns

pan = "R1C2"
zoom = "R1C3"

series = "R2C" & i

formula = "=offset(" & series & "," & pan & ",0" & zoom & ",1)
activeworkbook.names.add name:=cells(1,i), refersto:=formula

Or something like that. Still gotta work some kinks out to make it actually run correctly, but i found out the formula uses R#C# to refer to the cell's location.

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