I have to declare constants which are available anywhere in application. In Zend Framework 1 we used to declare in application.ini as :

constants.NAME_TITLE = "User Name",

Where and how do we do this in Zend Framework 2 ?

  • 1
    What use do these constants have? Where to use them?
    – Sam
    May 9, 2013 at 18:32
  • How would you do it without a framework? If only there was a function that let you define constants.
    – Crisp
    May 9, 2013 at 18:39
  • @Sam These constants are to define global variables which I set in configuration for ex. LINK_TO_SOAP_SERVICE , their values are different for different environments. So I set them at one place and use them in entire project. May 9, 2013 at 18:51
  • @Crisp : I can do it with a define() in php , but I wanted to follow the recommended way if there is in zend framework 2 as there was in zend framework 1 May 9, 2013 at 18:53

4 Answers 4


I have found solution here. You have to create storage class in Model. In that class you can create as many constants as you want.

namespace Application\Model;
class Application {
    const EMAIL = '[email protected]';

Now it can be accessed everywhere by:


So you can for example print the constant in a view like this:

<?php echo Application\Model\Application::EMAIL; ?>
  • Thanks for this! I'm also placing arrays in there by serializing them: stackoverflow.com/questions/1290318/… Reduces a lot of duplicated code in your modules!
    – Armfoot
    Jun 27, 2013 at 7:41
  • const UPLOAD_PATH = getcwd() . '/public/uploads/'; why this is generating error?
    – Katty
    Dec 28, 2016 at 11:30

For Zend Framework 2, one alternative solution.

you can define your global variable inside config/autoload/local.php

 'array_name' => array(
      'variable_name' => value,

and use it anywhere just like :

$this->config = $obj->getServiceLocator()->get('config'); //create config object
$this->you_variable = $this->config['arrayname']['variable_name']; // fetch value
echo $this->you_variable; // print value
  • what is $obj ? don't you think it will give error ?
    – iit2011081
    Dec 16, 2016 at 19:47
  • If you're using PHP 5.4 or higher, you can do it in 1 line, like so: echo $obj->getServiceLocator()->get('config')['arrayname']['variable_name'];
    – evilReiko
    Oct 30, 2017 at 12:22

You can also write function and variable that can be accessed any where of your application like controller,model and views.

namespace Webapp;

class ControllerName
        const EMAIL     = '[email protected]';

        public static function myFunction()
             echo "doing work well.";

and you can access this class function and property like

<?php echo Webapp\ControllerName::EMAIL; ?> 


<?php echo Webapp\ControllerName::myFunction(); ?>
  • What you said is technically correct. For sake of clarification, normally no one should put constants and static methods in a controller (unless if it's a rare case where they can belong nowhere except in that controller)
    – evilReiko
    Oct 30, 2017 at 12:26

You can define, assign and access CONSTANT as follows: Use these two classes with alias:

use Zend\Config\Config as Zend_Config;
use Zend\Config\Processor\Constant as Zend_Constant;

And then use below code to your any function of the controller class:

define ('TEST_CONST', 'bar');
// set true to Zend\Config\Config to allow modifications
$config = new Zend_Config(array('foo' => 'TEST_CONST'), true);
$processor = new Zend_Constant();
echo $config->foo;

It will give o/p:


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