I have 2 subqueries, but I'm having trouble joining columns together from the same tables. I tried:


(SELECT userid, listid 
FROM user_views_table
WHERE date='2013-05-15' AND view_type='lists') a


(SELECT sourceid, destinationid
FROM actions_table
WHERE date='2013-05-15' AND payloadtype='lists_user' AND actiontype='delete') b

ON a.userid = b.sourceid
ON a.listid = b.destinationid;

If I simply end the query with ON a.userid = b.sourceid it works, but how can I also join these tables on another column also ON a.listid = b.destinationid ??

Any help appreciated.

  • 2
    thanks for the answers.. argh just didn't have the ";" at end of query earlier May 16, 2013 at 21:25

2 Answers 2


You need to replace the second ON with AND, like this:

ON a.userid = b.sourceid AND a.listid = b.destinationid;
  • 9
    It seems obvious looking back on it, but I wanted to note that an OR works as well, you just end up with a LOT of records.
    – wastubbs
    Mar 17, 2014 at 16:47
  • 1
    @wastubbs, not 100% but I think joining with OR has terrible performance and UNION is recommended
    – CervEd
    Dec 21, 2020 at 13:40

You want to join on condition 1 AND condition 2, so simply use the AND keyword as below

ON a.userid = b.sourceid AND a.listid = b.destinationid;

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