I have a list.

It's possible members (x123, y123, z123, a123, b123, c123).//123 is example This "mylist" may contain a member that starting with x, or may not. Also this is the same for y,z,a,b,c.

If contains a member starts with x:
//Formula Contains X

If Not Contains a member starts with x:
//Formula Not Contains X

//same as all of x,y,z,a,b,c. But unlike a foreach, I must place the formulas at checking time, not after.

How can I do that?

  • it would not be a problem,the important thing is job, i can use.
    – ithnegique
    Jun 4, 2013 at 18:23
  • Ok. I posted an answer for contains and not contains Jun 4, 2013 at 18:31

4 Answers 4


Checks if any items start with 'x' in your list:

bool result = mylist.Any(o => o.StartsWith("x"))

Checks if no items start with 'x' your list:

bool result = !mylist.Any(o => o.StartsWith("x"));

You can use .Any from Linq

bool result = mylist.Any(o => o.StartsWith("x"));

This will iterate on the list and tell you if there is at least one element that starts with "x"

  • In this solution where must I place myList?
    – ithnegique
    Jun 4, 2013 at 18:28
public void Process(List<string> list, string key)
    if (list.Any(i => i.StartsWith(key)))
        //Formula Contains key
        //Formula Not Contains key

then you can call

List<string> list = new List<string> { "x123", "y123", "z123", "a123", "b123", "c123"};
Process(list, "x");
Process(list, "a");
List<string> formula = new List<string> { "x123", "y123" };
string variable = "x";
bool containsVariable = formula.Any(s => s.StartsWith(variable));

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