I have a very basic question about declaring some variables in TSQL.

When i declare a numeric variable in TSQL like this, everthing is ok:

DECLARE @Value AS NUMERIC(18,2) = 1.23  

But what if i want the decimals to be set with a parameter?

DECLARE @Value AS NUMERIC(18,@NrOfDecimals) = 1.23  
--This second line throws a compile error "Expecting  INTEGER"

So the second line throws a compile error "Expecting INTEGER".

But isn't @NrOfDecimals an Integer? So why is the compiler complaining??

Am i missing something??

  • The compiler is complaining because it wants a number, not a variable. A lot of T-SQL has restrictions like this. Why do you want to vary the number of decimals? Do you do this in any other language? Jun 19, 2013 at 7:41
  • Are you trying to round values in SQL? or why would you want to change the number of decimals like that?
    – JanR
    Jun 19, 2013 at 7:42
  • 2
  • @Damien_The_Unbeliever , i want to do this because we have a table with a field of type VARCHAR, but in some cases, the value in this field is actualy a numeric (could be 5 or 3.1 of 34.87). I want to do some math with this varchar/numeric value, so need to convert it to a numeric with the right nr of decimals
    – Jeroen1984
    Jun 19, 2013 at 7:49
  • 2
    I would declare @Value with the highest amount of decimals available. Handling data is one issue, displaying data with a varying amount of decimals should not be handled here.
    – Alexander
    Jun 19, 2013 at 8:46

1 Answer 1


You could dynamically create your queries and execute them.

This will work for the situation in your question:

DECLARE @myCommand as NVARCHAR(1000)
SET @myCommand = 'DECLARE @value as numeric(18,' + CAST(@NrOfDecimals as VARCHAR) + ') = 1.23'
execute sp_executesql @myCommand

In order to do this for every situation, you should create a table with all queries you will have to run.

In order to create all of these queries you will have to use a cursor.

Documentation for cursors you can find here:

Also, I have answered another question and gave an example with a cursor:

  • 2
    Declaring a variable inside a separated dynamic statement (with its own scope of course) is useless.
    – Serge
    Jun 19, 2013 at 8:59

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