I've got a recursing function that's stepping the animation of an element on the page:

_this = this;
this.x = 0, this.y = 0;
this.targX = 5, this.targY = 5; 

this.go = function(){
    var xDir = 0, yDir = 0, finished = false;

        console.log("Reverse x");
        xDir = -1;
    }else if(this.x<this.targX){
        console.log("Forward x");
        xDir = 1;
        xDir = 0;
            console.log("Reverse y");
            yDir = -1;
        }else if(this.y<this.targY){
            console.log("Forward y");
            yDir = 1;
        }else{  finished = true;  }
    this.x+= xDir;
    this.y+= yDir;

            left: "+="+32*xDir,
            top: "+="+32*yDir
        }, 200, _this.go());

Hopefully this is clear from the code, but the animation is supposed to step in the x-direction first until this.x = this.targX, then step in the y-direction until this.y = this.targY. In this case, the element goes right 5 steps, then down 5 steps.

However, in practice, the animation goes down 5 steps then right 5 steps - as if the animation queue is being reversed. If I remove the _this.go() call on success, the element goes right one step and stops - so I know I don't have my axes confused somewhere. The console logging even reports in the correct order:

Forward x
Forward x
Forward x
Forward x
Forward x
Forward y
Forward y
Forward y
Forward y
Forward y

What's going on here, why is the animation queue executing in reverse? Am I doing something wrong, or is this expected behavior for JQuery?

EDIT: Fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/WdYvB/

  • Any chance you could set up a fiddle? Jun 19, 2013 at 18:28
  • 1
    You are calling _this.go() and passing its result to animate() instead of passing the method itself. Jun 19, 2013 at 18:44
  • He's right -- use _this.go instead of _this.go() Jun 19, 2013 at 18:45
  • Wow, blew my mind. This explains a couple of other problems I was having too. Thanks so much! Post as an answer and I'll accept it.
    – CodeMoose
    Jun 19, 2013 at 18:48

2 Answers 2


By writing:

    left: "+=" + 32 * xDir,
    top: "+=" + 32 * yDir
}, 200, _this.go());

You're actually calling go() and passing the value it returns (undefined in our case) to animate().

You should pass the function itself instead:

    left: "+=" + 32 * xDir,
    top: "+=" + 32 * yDir
}, 200, _this.go);

Your callback function is being called when you are assigning the callback.

            left: "+="+32*xDir,
            top: "+="+32*yDir
        }, 200, _this.go());  // should be _this.go 
  • Excellent answer, spot-on - Frederic just beat you to it =/
    – CodeMoose
    Jun 19, 2013 at 18:52

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