I'm using R studio, and selecting the menu option 'Show workspace' does nothing. Nor does Ctl + 8. I just have a console, running fine, but with no workspace, plots, file windows available. They're not greyed out in the drop down menu... and I don't get an error. They just don't work. Prior to this starting, I had cleared the workspace, then closed it, now it won't reopen. Any help would be huge...

  • 1
    May be its hidden. Try dragging your panels to see if it is hidden. You can try ls() to see if there are any objects.in the workspace.
    – Jd Baba
    Jul 12, 2013 at 22:27
  • am I that green? Good God. Thank you very much. :) Jul 12, 2013 at 22:31
  • Comment changed to answer to solve and close the question.
    – Jd Baba
    Jul 12, 2013 at 22:36

2 Answers 2


May be its hidden. Try dragging your panels to see if it is hidden. You can try ls() to see if there are any objects.in the workspace.


As of version 1.2 of RStudio it seems that Workspace view/tab is called Environment. To view your variables select 'Global Environment' in the dropdown right beneath

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