var date = '04/04';<br>
alert(new Date(date));<br>

//now year 2013<br>
//result Wed Apr 04 <b>2001</b>

I want

//result Wed Apr 04 <b>2013</b>
  • strange (for me) Anyhow, I did something like this to solve it alert(new Date(date + " " + new Date().getFullYear()));. Not sure whether it is correct or not though.
    – Mr_Green
    Jul 30, 2013 at 4:47

5 Answers 5


You can get the current date by new Date(); So current year can be found by:

var currentDate = new Date();
  //this would return 2013

So following code would do the work for getting correct date:

var currentDate = new Date();
var currentYear = currentDate.getFullYear();

var date = "04/04";              //the date entered
var comp = date.split('/');
var m = parseInt(comp[0], 10);   //this would give you the entered month
var d = parseInt(comp[1], 10);   //this would give you the entered date

var correctDate = new Date(currentYear, m - 1, d);
correctDate.toDateString();   //this line will return the date

Hope it helps.

var nowYear=new Date().getFullYear(); //current year

var date = '04/04/'+nowYear.toString();

alert( new Date(date));


is that really returning Wed Apr 04 2001? instead of invalid date? without year in string , how did it get parsed?

var date = '04/04';
date = new Date(date);
date = new Date(2013, date.getMonth(), date.getDate());

With static year it will be:

var date = '04/04';
alert(new Date('2013/'+date));

where date format is yyyy/MM/dd


Set the parts individually with the setX() functions.

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