I'm trying to install Groovy via Puppet on SUSE SLES 11 SP2. I have the Groovy files installed, but now I need to set the environment variables. I'm using a shell script to set the values and when I echo the values, they are correct.


When I run the command "groovy -version" I get this error: /bin/javaAVA_HOME is not defined correctly, can not execute: /myapplication/mypath/jdk1.6.0_30.
That's not a typo, that's actually the output I get! :)

This is the correct path to my java installation. Why is "/bin/java" replacing the "J" in "JAVA_HOME"? I searched /bin and /usr/bin and neither directory has a java directory.

If I set the values from the command line on the server, everything works fine.

Here is my shell script:

# groovy.sh
export JAVA_HOME=/myapplication/mypath/jdk1.6.0_30
export GROOVY_HOME=/myapplication/mypath/groovy-2.0.7
export PATH=$PATH:/myapplication/mypath/groovy-2.0.7/bin

Here is the snippet from my puppet module:

$groovy_sh = "/etc/profile.d/groovy.sh"

file { $groovy_sh:
ensure => present,
source => "puppet:///modules/groovy/groovy.sh",
owner => "myuser",
group => "mygroup",
mode => 777,
  • This turned out to be a Windows/Unix linefeed issue. I inluded the dos2unix package in my module and everything started working as expected.
    – kydiwl
    Aug 10, 2013 at 23:17


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