I'd like to reproduce something like this plot in R, maybe a little simpler:


The relevant command seems to be stars, and the closest example from the stars command help seems to be

stars(mtcars[4:6, 1:5], 
      locations = c(0,0), 
      radius = FALSE, 
      main="Motor Trend Cars", 
      lty = 2)  

but I'd like

  1. control over color and thickness of lines,
  2. extend rays beyond the edges,
  3. include "grid lines" to show distance from origin.


  • 1
    This post explains how to make radar charts with ggplot.
    – Lenwood
    Aug 9, 2013 at 18:27
  • @Lenwood: Thanks a lot. That led me to me to the fmsb package, which works. This example needs some tweaking, but it makes the point: library("fmsb") radarchart(mtcars[4:8,1:5], maxmin=FALSE, centerzero=TRUE)
    – DKB at NYU
    Aug 12, 2013 at 15:06


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