I have a typical sbt (0.13) build and have added the jacoco4sbt plugin to my build.

addSbtPlugin("de.johoop" % "jacoco4sbt" % "2.1.1")

I use specs2 to run my tests (2.2.2).

If I run


all my tests get run (120 of them). However, if I do


it runs 0 tests, as if the jacoco configuration cannot find them.

A quick search reveals that there is an issue with jacoco4sbt and Play because Play sets parallelExecution to false. However, I am not using Play, and parallelExecution is set to True for both configurations. I have tried to set them both to false to no avail.

Any idea what might be going wrong?

n.b. The project I am working on is open source, so I created a branch where I put my attempt at adding jacoco4sbt. Feel free to clone it and see what is happening for yourself.


  • Do you have fork in test := true by any chance?
    – Eric
    Oct 5, 2013 at 0:55
  • Certainly not explicitly. But I can try forcing it to false and see what happens. Let me get back to you on what comes of it.
    – jedesah
    Oct 5, 2013 at 4:44
  • Tried setting it explicitly to false, but to no avail. Still no tests are being executed by the jacoco:cover or jacoco:test tasks.
    – jedesah
    Oct 7, 2013 at 23:48

2 Answers 2


I had this issue, but upgraded to Specs2 2.2.3 and jacoco4sbt started producing output from that point.


For what it's worth, I had the same problem when using specs2. When I switched to ScalaTest, jacoco4sbt started detecting my tests.

I have a very basic configuration too, so I don't know we're missing something or if there's something wrong in the current jacoco4sbt version. I did try version 2.1.0 of jacoco4sbt but had the same results.

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