In dart,

I want to parse a string "<!DOCTYPE HTMT><html><head></head><body>....</body></html>" to a DOM so that I can manipulate element in the generated DOM. I know in JQuery, there is $.parseHTML to deal with it. But I can not find anything similar in dart. Thank you.

(I have tried html2lib, but the output Document cannot use query(".classname") to select.)


3 Answers 3


You can create an element by parsing HTML text:

new Element.html("YOUR HTML STRING HERE");

see Dart: Up and Running CH03

You may need to pass a NodeValidator to get the entire text rendered like:

NodeValidator nodeValidator = new NodeValidatorBuilder()
    // ..allowHtml5()
    // ..allowElement('Button', attributes: ['ng-disabled']);

new Element.html("YOUR HTML STRING HERE", validator: nodeValidator);

If you run the application you get log messages like "element/attribute xxx removed from ..." if some of the text was not accepted by the NodeValidator.


Try html. It's 100% pure Dart, so you should be set.

You could also consider an XML parser for Dart like xml depending on the nature of your HTML.

  • Thank you ,I tried, but the I can not use query(".classname") to select the element inside.
    – xhg
    Oct 19, 2013 at 18:12
  • 1
    Maybe they never got around to compatibility with dart:html as they promised. Sorry. The easiest thing to do then might be just to use JQuery for the entire parse/manipulate process within your Dart application by using js-interop. dartlang.org/articles/js-dart-interop
    – Vidya
    Oct 19, 2013 at 18:24
  • Maybe because it's still in beta version. Thank you ~
    – xhg
    Oct 19, 2013 at 18:47
  • By the way, I notice dom = parse(string), what dart type is dom?
    – xhg
    Oct 19, 2013 at 18:48

Check out this article in dart documentation

You can use this for dart

import 'dart:html';

and carryout parsing like this

querySelector('#theid').text = 'Wake up, sleepy head!';

In case of flutter, you have to add the "html" package in the pubspec.yaml below the cupertino_icons dependency like this for example

html: ^0.13.3+3

and then the dart file you have to import it like

import 'package:html/parser.dart' as parser;

and then carry out parsing as before but remember to add the alias name before each method!

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