What is wrong with the following code:

(defun test
  (message "hello"))
(global-set-key '[f4]  'test)

When evaluating this with eval-region and then pressing F4 I get the error:

Wrong type argument: commandp, test
  • 4
    Try (defun test () ...) with an empty parameter list.
    – uselpa
    Dec 12, 2013 at 18:54
  • Yes it works. Thank you very much! You may give it as an answer, and I will accept it.. Dec 12, 2013 at 18:55

1 Answer 1


You are missing the argument list of your test function, so Emacs interprets the (interactive) form as the arglist. Thus you have defined a non-interactive function of 1 argument instead of interactive command of no arguments.

What you want is:

(defun test ()
  "My command test"
  (message "hello"))

Lessons learned:

  1. Always add a doc string - if you did, Emacs would have complained
  2. Use elint (comes with Emacs, try C-h a elint RET).

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