I have a custom plugin which have lots of table. that's why i need a proper pagination. Now i have a pagination but it show all 1 to 80 serially. Here is that code for pagination.


echo '<div id="pager">Page : <div class="btn-group">';
while( $loopLimit != $loopStart )
    echo '<a class="btn" href="admin.php?page=wp-glossary&requireTab=viewDelEditWord&totalItems='.$totalItems.'&currentPage='.$loopStart.'&orderByWord='.$_REQUEST["orderByWord"].'"';
    if ($loopStart == $currentPage) {echo ' id="activeParer"';}
    echo '>'.$loopStart.'</a>';
    $loopStart ++ ;
echo '</div></div>';


Here is present pegination view: enter image description here

I want 1 2 3 4....10 11 12 like this. how i change this. Any idea?

1 Answer 1


Please try following code. and let me know if any.

    echo '<div id="pager">Page : <div class="btn-group">';
$loopStart = 1;
$currentPage = 4;
$loopLimit = 100;
$start_number_diplay = 5; // Number where you display in paganation in start and end.
$middle_number_diplay = 3;
$i = $j = 1; $total_pagination_display = 10;
while( $loopLimit != $loopStart )
    if( ($loopStart == ($start_number_diplay+1))  || ($total_pagination_display == $j)) {
        echo '<a class="btn" >...</a>';


    echo '<a class="btn" href=""';
    if ($loopStart == $currentPage) {
        echo ' id="activeParer"';
    if(($loopStart <= $start_number_diplay) ) {

        echo '>'.$loopStart.' </a>';

    else if( (($loopStart%10) == 0) && ($i <= $middle_number_diplay) ) {
        echo '>'.$loopStart.' </a>';
    $loopStart ++ ;

echo '</div></div>';
  • Thanks for Reply. it doesn't work properly. After add this code it look like this image: db.tt/HecxIV7B But i want stander pagination like this: db.tt/bgG0wVBg Please give me a best process. Thanks again.
    – mrhossen
    Jan 10, 2014 at 14:21
  • @mrhossen Please check updated code, I made just only example code. Please change it with your suitable code. Jan 11, 2014 at 12:04

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