i am getting 'ScriptExitException' while running this grails app.

the only change in the code is this Domain Class

class Album {

static constraints = {
  String title
  static hasMany = [songs:Song]
} }


grails> run-app | Compiling 1 source files. | Error Compilation error: startup failed: APP-FOLDER/grails-app/domain/com/gtunes/Album.groovy: 7: Modifier 'static' not allowed here. @ line 7, column 6. static hasMany = [songs:Song] ^

1 error | Error Error running script run-app: org.codehaus.groovy.grails.cli.ScriptExitException (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)

I have to keep it static, because it's being used somewhere.. any idea what should fix this?

1 Answer 1


re arrange your class like this

class Album {

      String title
      static hasMany = [songs:Song]

      static constraints = {


  • Thanks @rami-enbashi. this change in groovy file did make the app run. But it's not functioning as required. will keep it posted here if this was the right fix.
    – soomro
    Jan 16, 2014 at 0:06

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