The Windows 7 Control Panel "Notification Area Icons" allows you to customize which system tray icons are visible. For each of the icons, it shows two things:

  • an application name
  • a subtitle

It looks like the subtitle comes from the tooltip text, because I can set that.

But what about the application name? I'm writing a GUI in PySide and can't figure out what incantations I need to do, to set this to something other than "python.exe".

enter image description here

  • Not sure if it's the same issue, but could this answer be relevant?
    – ekhumoro
    Apr 22, 2015 at 19:59

3 Answers 3


python.exe will always show up if the module is run under the python executable, regardless of via a shortcut or not. It also shows up in task manager under the process name python.exe.

To circumvent this, it is necessary to create a custom executable to run the python script under it's own name. This doesn't have to be a monolithic exe packer such as py2exe, but can be something a little more discrete.

Using effbot.org's open source ExeMaker for instance, the following steps will result in what you want.

After downloading exemaker, simply run it from the command line with

exemaker scriptname.py

and it'll create scriptname.exe.

You may then run scriptname.exe by double clicking it, and it shall run the python script under it's own name.

The advantage of this small tool is that any changes made to the python script do not require recompilation of the exe - they are effective immediately.


This is because you are launching your application using Python.exe. In your case the main application running is Python.exe, so the Notification Area Icons will always show you Python.exe as running application.

When you are done with the development of your application, use pyinstaller or py2exe to package your application. After this process you will have a exe file for your application, when you will run your application, the name in the Notification Area Icons for your application will be same as you will set for your main window title.

  • so you have to have an EXE file to provide this information? bummer.
    – Jason S
    Jan 24, 2014 at 21:12

I did not really test it but it may work. Create a link to your .py file and choose the name. If you run that link it should show the name of the link. PS: On command prompt title bar it works fine

  • That won't do it I'm afraid; it's still shown as python.exe. If you make a copy of python.exe and rename it to MyProgram.exe then that will show up as the program title, but that's a pretty ugly solution.
    – 101
    Apr 23, 2015 at 0:46
  • Ok. I do not have any other solutions. Sorry Apr 23, 2015 at 5:44
  • Should you really be adding this as an answer if you do not know if it works ? With all due respect, it just becomes a distraction when reading.
    – OYRM
    Apr 27, 2015 at 19:15
  • I tested it at windows XP but i do not know if it works on windows 7. But maybe this is his only chance to do that. If it was so he/she could be happy that it works. May 5, 2015 at 17:29

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