Could anyone write or give a link to useful keyboard shortcuts in NetBeans? I use this IDE and I would like to know useful things, when creating any application in java.

I ask for more than Ctrl+Space, but I ask for keyboard shortcuts especially in Java.

On the Internet I found a lot of keyboard shortcuts, but I cannot find site with useful ones.

2 Answers 2


That would be the following PDF: https://usersguide.netbeans.org/shortcuts.pdf

Note that it is written for Netbeans 7.4, so depending on your version, not everything needs to be in use.

Also this topic is worth the read: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/628830/netbeans-tips-and-tricks?rq=1

  • +1 seems to be just exactly what the OP is looking for.
    – HpTerm
    Jan 28, 2014 at 17:57

You can check and change these in the Settings.

Tools -> Options -> Keymap

Cool is e.g. auto-format.

What is useful and what not is very dependent on your coding-stlye, teamwork etc. Also the actual shortcut can be configured, so it can be different on any computer.

You can also create shortcuts like type sysout and then press Clt+Space.

You find and can edit/add these here Tools -> Options -> Editor -> Code Templates

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