I'm new to C# and am reading code with /*!*/ in what seem like strange places. For instance class methods defined as:

protected override OptionsParser/*!*/ CreateOptionsParser()
protected override void ParseHostOptions(string/*!*/[]/*!*/ args)

Unfortunately /*!*/ is not googleable. What does it mean?

  • 4
    ok, this is fun; Why should anybody put such a comment there ? Feb 1, 2010 at 17:41
  • Where did you see this code? Is it part of a tutorial or a project? Maybe auto-generated code?
    – ZoogieZork
    Feb 1, 2010 at 17:42
  • You might want to look for the cause in the editors your predecessors used. Sometimes comments at odd places are used to circumvent parsing-problems of highlighting editors. (Used to be the case with LPC and its #' - lambda syntax)
    – Leonidas
    Feb 1, 2010 at 17:43
  • 10
    Just to be clear, as far as the language is concerned, it means nothing. It is just a comment containing an exclamation mark. But the question of what the programmer who put it there meant by it, is a good one.
    – jalf
    Feb 1, 2010 at 17:55
  • 1
    @DownVoter - the down voter why do you not state why the comment was downvoted? Again StackOverflow developers why can you not add who downvoted the responses or force a reason why it was downvoted?
    – JonH
    Feb 1, 2010 at 19:47

7 Answers 7


It's likely an attempt to get Spec# style annotations into a non-Spec# build. The ! annotation in Spec# means the value is not-null. The author is likely trying to indicate that both the return values, args array and all of the elements in args are always non-null values.

Spec# Link:

Quick Spec# Overview:

Spec# is a .Net language created via a Microsoft Research Project. It is an extension of the C# language which attempts to embed code contracts into the type system. The most prominent are non-nullable types (indicated with ! after the type name), checked exceptions and pre/post conditions.

  • 3
    Another way to do this is place Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<OptionsParser>() != null); in the method, which would ideally show up in the accompanying documentation. Feb 1, 2010 at 17:45
  • @JaredPar: could fill in some more details? What is a #Spec-build? From the answers so far, this is the only one which seems to have a clue on what is going on.
    – jsbueno
    Feb 1, 2010 at 17:47
  • @jsbueno, added a quick overview of Spec#. The best explanation though is at the link I added. Very detailed documentation can be found there.
    – JaredPar
    Feb 1, 2010 at 17:55
  • @JaredPar I didn't downvote you but I really hate how SO does not implement a way even in the activity section to see who downvoted, or force a reason why there was a down vote. Happens to me all the time and of course the downvoter does not explain..
    – JonH
    Feb 1, 2010 at 18:12
  • Spec# is a superset of C# which has constructs for formal specification and allows formal static verificatione (along with additional runtime checks). You can comment out Spec#-specific language constructs (such as !-Types) and get valid C# which seems to have happened in your case. For further information I suggest following Jared's Link. Feb 1, 2010 at 18:12

It's a comment that contains an '!'

Anything enclosed in an /* */ is a comment which will be ignored when the code compiles.


I don't know about C# specifically, as it might be a special notation for something, but i use a similar technique in any language that supports open/close, multi-line comment tokens to allow me to quickly comment and uncomment multiple lines with a single character change, like so:

this is live code (and will probably cause a compilation error)

/*!* /
this is commented code (and should never cause a compilation error)

The reason for the ! is because constructs like /** are common tokens used by documentation tools.

There are other techniques as well when the language supports single-line comment tokens, // (and implements them like C++ and Java):

///* - opening comments can be commented-out so what follows isn't a comment.
this is live code
//*/ - closing comment are not commented-out by single-line comments.

So you can then remove the first single-line comment token, //, to produce a kind of "toggle":

/* this is now commented.
this is also commented.
//*/ this line is live code.
  • +1: doesn't answer the question, but is a really nasty^Wgreat hack :-) Feb 19, 2010 at 23:26

It's a comment with '!'. Probably the programmer wanted to make sure you noticed the first method returned a OptionsParser, and the second one received an array of strings, and not only a string.

You can remove them, and they'll continue to work fine =)


It's just a delimited comment; probably your programmer just marked that points to discuss later.

  • I've heard of people who make a habit of downvoting every other answer when they submit one - maybe that's what happened here. Feb 1, 2010 at 20:28
  • 1
    This is one of the bad things about stackoverflow- a guy/gal with a mental disorder can do very crazy things here.
    – Phil
    Feb 1, 2010 at 21:11
  • On the other hand, people might have objected to "multiline comment" for a one-character comment. Feb 2, 2010 at 22:07
/* is start comment
*/ is end comment

everything between is the comment
you can even tell that SO highlights that area as a comment

Like everyone said, it is a comment. Additionally, it seems to me that the '!' is used for demarcation. It seems to aid in identifying points of interest and serves like eye-candy.

  • Those brackets sure are interesting!
    – jball
    Feb 1, 2010 at 17:48

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