I'm trying to get a list comprehension working, which intention is to verify that each element X in List is followed by X+Incr (or an empty list). Later, I shall use that list and compare it with a list generated with lists:seq(From,To,Incr). The purpose is to practice writing test cases and finding test properties.

I've done the following steps:

1> List.
2> Incr.
3> List2=[X || X <- List, (tl(List) == []) orelse (hd(tl(List)) == X + Incr)].

To me, it seem that my list comprehension only takes the first element in List, running that through the filter/guards, and stops, but it should do the same for EACH element in List, right?

I would like line 3 returning a list, looking like: [1,2,9,11,13].

Any ideas of how to modify current comprehension, or change my approach totally?

PS. I'm using eqc-quickcheck, distributed via Quviq's webpage, if that might change how to solve this.

4 Answers 4


The problem with your list comprehension is that List always refers to the entire list. Thus this condition allows only those X that are equal to the second element of List minus Incr:

(hd(tl(List)) == X + Incr)

The second element is always 3, so this condition only holds for X = 1.

A list comprehension cannot "look ahead" to other list elements, so this should probably be written as a recursive function:

check_incr([], _Incr) ->
check_incr([_], _Incr) ->
check_incr([A, B | Rest], Incr) ->
    A + Incr == B andalso check_incr([B | Rest], Incr).
  • Yeah... Of course. Stupid me (; I guess a comprehension isn't the right tool, like André Laszlo said... Feb 23, 2014 at 15:28
  • I will implement a helper function instead, like above comment mentions. Suppose that will be the easiest way! Feb 23, 2014 at 15:30

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but a list comprehension is supposed to be "creating a list based on existing lists". Here's one way to generate your list using a list comprehension without using lists:seq:

> Start = 1, Inc = 2, N = 6.
> [Start + X*Inc || X <- lists:seq(0,N)].
  • Yeah, generating the list isn't the problem. The problem is to check whether List fulfils the criteria that for each element X, the next element is X+Incr or an empty list. Feb 21, 2014 at 14:20
  • Then maybe a list comprehension is the wrong tool for the job, since you're unable to look at neighboring elements? Feb 21, 2014 at 14:21
  • I think you're right... Comprehension is not the right tool! Feb 23, 2014 at 15:31

You could do something like this:

> lists:zipwith(fun (X, Y) -> Y - X end, [0 | List], List ++ [0]).

Then check that all elements are equal to Incr, except the first that should be equal to From and the last that should be greater or equal than -To.


One quick comment is that the value List does NOT change when in the comprehension is evaluated, it always refers to the initial list. It is X which steps over all the elements in the list. This means that your tests will always refer to the first elements of the list. As a list comprehension gives you element of a list at a time it is generally not a good tool to use when you want to compare elements in the list.

There is no way with a list comprehension to look at successive sublists which is what you would need (like MAPLIST in Common Lisp).

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