I'm Working on a windows form GUI that has a dataGridView. In dataGridView I've two columns. The first Column Type is a ComboBoxColumn for Insurance id and name and second one is Text box for insurance code number. ComboBox Column's Datasource is already set and works.
here is code on form load :

DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Cb = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = _clsT.Fill_In_DataTable("SELECT insuranceId, insuranceName FROM insurance", false);
Cb.DataSource = dt;
Cb.Name = "insurance";
Cb.DisplayMember = "insuranceName";
Cb.ValueMember = "insuranceId";
dgv.Columns.Insert(0, Cb); 

after loading form i can fill dgv(DataGridView) Rows From combobox items and at last i want get all row's information with clicking on a button.
here is my code for getting rows data on btn click event

if (dgv.Rows.Count > 0)
   for (int i = 0; i < dgv.Rows.Count; i++)
      //lst3.Items.Add(dgv.Rows.Cell[0] get displayMember.ToString()  ) //what i must to do?


ok from here i can get insuranceId and insuranceCodeNumber but how to get displayMembers ? please help me ... thanks

1 Answer 1


try this


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