I pasted some content from word to htmleditor()【http://mindmup.github.io/bootstrap-wysiwyg/】,but some word-defined tags still in html like "< v:shape>< /v:shape>" and "< v:shapetype>< /v:shapetype>" and "< v:imagedata>< /v:imagedata>" and so on...

I have removed most of useless tag with jquery except this kind of tags .

all the followings dont work, like $(xxxxxx).find('v')/.find('v:shape')/.find('shape');. but $(xxxxxx).find('a')/.find('span') works well.

i want to use Regular Expressions to replace all < v:xxx>< /v:xxx> tags to < vword>< /vword> then remove all vword tags, but i dont know Regular Expressions syntax and in these 2 days i have no time learn it and i wonder whether it's the right way.

so,who can kindly tell me how and what i should do? thx.

this works well:

container.find("font").each(function () {
$(this).replaceWith(function () { return $(this).contents(); });

this doesnt work:

container.find("v").each(function () {
container.find("shape").each(function () {
container.find("shapetype").each(function () {
container.find("v:shape").each(function () {
container.find("v:shapetype").each(function () {

2 Answers 2


Is there supposed to be a space after each "<"? Assuming that's a typo, this should work for you:

match: <v:(\w+)>(.*?)</v:\1>

replace: <v\1>\2</v\1>


I used other ways to fix the problem:


    container.find('*').each(function () {
        if ($(this).get(0).tagName == 'V:SHAPE') {

Second, i found another post about this kind of tag: http://forum.jquery.com/topic/jquery-colon-in-xml-tag-on-webkit-cannot-select but it doesnt work for me. i searched 'jquery select tagname with colon' by google, and got this: Parsing XML with namespaces using jQuery $().find then i changed my solution to :

container.find('v\\:shape').each(function () {

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