I am using Postgresql 8.4. I have a table like this:

 type | value
 1    | 5
 2    | 6
 1    | 4
 3    | 10

I want to write one select that will give me the minimum & maximum value, and an aggregate of all the types as integer[]. The desired result should be:

 min | max | types
 4   | 10  | {1, 2, 3}

To get the min and max, I already have:

SELECT MIN(value) min, MAX(value) max FROM table;

To get the types in a standalone select, I use:

SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT type) types FROM table;

How can I combine these into one select (that is not too inefficient)?

  • 3
    Doesn't SELECT MIN(value) min, MAX(value) max, array_agg(DISTINCT type) types FROM table; work for you?
    – Ashalynd
    Mar 11, 2014 at 7:57

2 Answers 2

SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT type) AS types,
       MIN(value) AS min,
       MAX(value) AS max
FROM your_table

Try this query:

(SELECT MIN(value),MAX(value) FROM table1)t1,
(SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT type) FROM table1)t2;

SQL Fiddle


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