I'm looking for a way to define an unmangled alias for an exported function in a DLL compiled with GCC.

According to this StackOverflow answer, Visual Studio supports

#pragma comment(linker, "/EXPORT:SomeFunction=_SomeFunction@@@23mangledstuff#@@@@")

to specify that an exported function shall have a given alias. I'm looking for something similar in GCC. The GCC function attribute docs suggest __attribute__ ((alias ("target"))) will do the trick, but this just generates a mangled function name:

#define DLL_EXPORT __stdcall __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLL_EXPORT __stdcall __declspec(dllimport)

DLL_EXPORT CCDLL_v1* GetCCDLL_premangled();

DLL_EXPORT CCDLL_v1* GetCCDLL () __attribute__ ((alias ("_Z19GetCCDLL_premangledv")));

and here's the .def file from the resulting DLL:

    _Z19GetCCDLL_premangledv @1
    _Z8GetCCDLLv @2

The original function is exported and mangled as expected, but so is the function alias. If I drop the DLL_EXPORT from the function alias, I expect it would remain unmangled, but it's also not exported from the DLL. I thought the stdcall calling convention might be mangling the function alias, but when I removed it from the DLL_EXPORT definition, the .def file remained exactly the same.

This SO answer suggests I can define an alias using --defsym=alias_name=target, but ld doesn't seem to recognize this and I can't find anything in the official GCC linker docs at all.

Is there a way to do what I'm looking for, or does GCC just not support unmangled aliases for exported functions?

1 Answer 1


Did you try in your .def file:

normalName=mangled_name @ 1

Another way may be to define an extern "C" function that calls the internal C++ one, and export that.

  • Be careful, anything that (directly or indirectly) uses C++ features will not work when called from plain C.
    – vonbrand
    Mar 22, 2014 at 23:31
  • The .def file worked out perfectly. I'd been setting it up wrong; thanks for showing the proper way to do it.
    – cf-
    Mar 23, 2014 at 3:47
  • @vonbrand Can you develop on that? I have been using for some years extern "C" wrappers around C++ functions to use opencv which is C++ from my C code. The only thing I needed was to use void * in the interface to pass pointers to C++ classes around C functions. Everything works fine even with -O3 -flto, so from my experience, it will work. Apr 14, 2020 at 20:11
  • @vonbrand on multiple platforms including MS Windows libc functions are themselves implemented in C++ so I'd cast a doubt on this Mar 6 at 2:17

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