I am working in a project with sail.js everything is ok but each time I modified something I have to restart "sails lift". Is there not an option where with the server online I could work and see all the changes I did?

As info the problem is more with the js and styles, also I use foundation and when I compile with grunt, I always have to restart the server.

I use this option for raise the sails:

 Sails lift --dev --verbose
  • Are you saving your Javascript and CSS files under the /assets directory? That's the only folder that gets copied by Grunt.
    – sgress454
    Mar 25, 2014 at 15:17
  • Yes, there and under linker/ Mar 25, 2014 at 15:32
  • When you save a .js or .css file, do you see any output in the console indicating that Grunt processed the file? Or any errors?
    – sgress454
    Mar 25, 2014 at 15:37
  • Could be for that verbose: Rendering view :: home/index (located @ /Users/em/php/swapit/views/home/index) verbose: Grunt :: Fatal error: EMFILE, readdir '/Users/em/php/swapit/assets/linker/js/' verbose: Grunt :: Fatal error: EMFILE, readdir '/Users/em/php/swapit/assets/linker/js/' Fatal error: EMFILE, readdir '/Users/em/php/swapit/assets/linker/js/' Mar 25, 2014 at 15:53
  • 2
    EMFILE means you're hitting the open file limit. See stackoverflow.com/questions/34588/…
    – sgress454
    Mar 25, 2014 at 16:21

2 Answers 2


Actually in old versions of sails.js you don't. But starting v0.11.0+ you have an ability to install autoreload hook that will do exactly what you need.

npm install --save-dev sails-hook-autoreload

But there is one note: It wouldn't automatically apply changes into your config files. So if you will change something there, you will have to restart sails manually.

And here is a link to this hook: https://github.com/sgress454/sails-hook-autoreload


Why not use nodemon instead ?
look into this : https://nodemon.io/
It does the work for me .
just do a npm install --save nodemon and instead of sails lift you could use nodemon -w *x

*x = (whichever folder you want to watch)

for example nodemon -w api -w config will restart the app automatically if there is a change api or config folder


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