Coming from this question on Math SE I have the following scenario.

There is a set ($array) with arbitrary values, the amount of values in the set ($n), it's mean ($mean) and standard deviation ($s).

$array = array(1, 5, 16, 3, ...);
$n = count($array);
$mean = array_sum($array) / count($array);
$s = sd($array);

Where the sd() function has it's origin on the PHP comments for the stats_standard_deviation() function:

// Function to calculate square of value - mean
function sd_square($x, $mean) { return pow($x - $mean,2); }

// Function to calculate standard deviation (uses sd_square)    
function sd($array) {
    // square root of sum of squares devided by N-1
    return sqrt(array_sum(array_map("sd_square", $array, array_fill(0,count($array), (array_sum($array) / count($array)) ) ) ) / (count($array)-1) );

Now the $array is dropped and the values aren't available anymore (let's say for reasons of anonymity) but another $x value is coming in which shall be calculated within the $mean and $s (standard deviation).

I try to calculate the new standard deviation by this formular (according to this answer on Math SE):

function m_reverse($n, $mean, $x) {
    return ( $n * $mean + $x ) / ( $n + 1 );

function sd_reverse($s, $n, $x, $mean) {
    return sqrt( 1 / $n * ( ( $n - 1 ) * pow( $s, 2 ) + ( $x - $mean ) ) );

The m_reverse() functions returns the correct new mean. But the sd_reverse() function won't. Can anyone figure out, what I've done wrong? Maybe inappropriate usage of paranthesis?

You can find a code example of my implementation here: http://3v4l.org/5mPDp

Any help appreciated!

  • How are you calling sd_reverse maybe one of the inputs if off-by-one?
    – Halcyon
    Apr 30, 2014 at 11:48
  • I believe that last $x-$mean should be squared.
    – Teepeemm
    Apr 30, 2014 at 11:56
  • @Halcyon you can view the whole code here: 3v4l.org/5mPDp
    – dialogik
    Apr 30, 2014 at 12:26
  • @Teepeemm what makes you believe that?
    – dialogik
    Apr 30, 2014 at 12:27
  • The answer you were given on math.se is wrong...
    – Joni
    Apr 30, 2014 at 13:07

1 Answer 1


To compute the new standard deviation you need to use both the old and new mean; this gives you Welford's method.

function sd_reverse($s, $n, $x, $mean, $old_mean) {
    return sqrt( 1 / $n * ( ( $n - 1 ) * pow( $s, 2 ) + ( $x - $mean )*( $x - $old_mean ) ) );

You can find a very readable C++ implementation of running mean, variance and standard deviation here: http://www.johndcook.com/standard_deviation.html


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