Given the following data, I'd like a Regex to pull out each comma-separated value. However, a double-quoted value may contain commas.

"SMITH, JOHN",1234567890,"12/20/2012,11:00",,DRSCONSULT,DR BOB - OFFICE VISIT - CONSULT,SLEEP CENTER,1234567890,,,"a, b"

Here's the expression that I have so far:


Regular expression visualization

Debuggex Demo

The double-quoted values are not being matched. What am I doing wrong? (This Regex is passed into pre-existing code - I cannot rewrite the system.)

  • Running a complex RegEx on a large CSV file will be noticeably slower than other methods of string processing.
    – Eric J.
    May 7, 2014 at 20:08
  • 6
    Somebody has to come along and say it, so it might as well be me: "Why don't you just use an existing CSV parser?"
    – Jon B
    May 7, 2014 at 20:09
  • 1
    @JonB: He states that pre-existing code requires that a RegEx be passed in.
    – Eric J.
    May 7, 2014 at 20:11
  • @EricJ. how would the existing code know how he finds the data, csv parser or regex?
    – Bit
    May 7, 2014 at 20:14
  • 3
    @N4TKD: This Regex is passed into pre-existing code - I cannot rewrite the system. Not sure what else I can say, other than he was pretty clear about that constraint.
    – Eric J.
    May 7, 2014 at 20:20

3 Answers 3


How about:


Regular expression visualization

Debuggex Demo

The first alternative is:


Match a " followed by anything that's not a " followed by a "

The second alternative is just:


Match anything that isn't a ,

  • 2
    Thanks for a useful answer! However, the resulting values should strip off the double-quotes.
    – harley.333
    May 7, 2014 at 20:33

This pattern should work:




When using the pattern in C# you might need to escape it llke:

Match match = Regex.Match(searchText, "(?m)(?x)(\\w+\\,\\s\\w+|[\\d\\/]*\\,\\d+\\:\\d*|[\\w\\d\\:\\s\\-]+)"); 
    if (match.Success) {...}

Here's the code which I use for coping with quote-aware CSVs

//regex to translate a CSV
readonly Regex csvParser = new Regex( "(?:^|,)(\\\"(?:[^\\\"]+|\\\"\\\")*\\\"|[^,]*)", RegexOptions.Compiled);

//given a row from the csv file, loop through returning an array of column values
private IEnumerable<string> ProcessCsvRow(string row)
    MatchCollection results = csvParser.Matches(row);
    foreach (Match match in results)
        foreach (Capture capture in match.Captures)
            yield return (capture.Value ?? string.Empty).TrimStart(",").Trim('"', ' ');

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