Possible Duplicate:
The Hostname Regex

I'm trying to use pcrepp (PCRE) to extract hostname from url. the pcre regular expression is as same as Perl 5 regular expression.

for example:

url = "http://www.pandora.com/#/volume/73";
// the match will be "http://www.pandora.com/".

I can't find the correct syntax of the regex for this example.

  • Needs to work for any url: amazon.com/sds/ should return: amazon.com. or abebooks.co.uk/isbn="62345627457245"/blabla/ should return abebooks.co.uk
  • I don't need to check if the url is valid. just to get the hostname.

4 Answers 4


Something like this:

  • what if I have "amazon.com/abc" ? I can't use only slash for that kind of address.
    – shaimagz
    Mar 1, 2010 at 21:48
  • 1
    If there is no protocol, look for the first slash. With the regular expression this is ^([a-z]+://)?[^/]+/. You probably should mention this detail in your question rather than hiding it in a comment to an answer. It's a very important detail.
    – Mark Byers
    Mar 1, 2010 at 21:50

See Regexp::Common::URI::http which uses sub-patterns defined in Regexp::Common::URI::RFC2396. Examining the source code of those modules should give you a good idea how to put together a decent pattern.


Here is one possibility:


And another:


These and other URL related regular expressions can be found here: Regular Expression Library

string regex1, regex2, finalRegex; 
regex1 = "^((\\w+):\\/\\/\\/?)?((\\w+):?(\\w+)?@)?([^\\/\\?:]+):?(\\d+)?(\\/?[^\\?#;\\|]+)?([;\\|])?([^\\?#]+)?\\??";

regex2 = "([^#]+)?#?(\\w*)";

    finalRegex= regex1+regex2;

the result will be at the sixth place. answered in another question I asked: Details.

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