sorry for writing a new question because it gies other questions that are the same but I can not find out what is wrong here :( can anybody help.

My code is

typedef struct First_s
    double a;
    double b, c;
    double d;
} First_t;

typedef struct Second_s
    char e[10];
    long f;        
    First_t g; 
} Second_t;

int compare(Second_t *x, Second_t *y)
    if(x.g.b >y.g.b){
    return 0;

but it gives me an Error:

request for member 'g' in something not a structure of union

2 Answers 2


You're using . when you should use -> to access the structure fields.

Since x and y are pointers, you cannot access them directly with . unless you first dereference with the asterisk (*) operator, i.e. (*x).g.b works. Nobody does that though, the typical way is to use the -> operator since that's what it's there for.

Also, a compare() function should never modify its arguments, so they should be constant pointers:

int compare(const Second_t *x, const Second_t *y)
  /* code here */
  • thank you, I wanted to give a +1 but my reputation is way below 15 :( May 31, 2014 at 20:51

x is a Pointer to a struct. To retrieve the contents of a pointer you need to dereference it first (and check if its not NULL):

int compare(Second_t *x, Second_t *y)
    if(x->g.b >y->g.b){
    return 0;
  • thank you, I wanted to give a +1 but my reputation is way below 15 :( May 31, 2014 at 20:51

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