I have FlowLayoutPanel with multiple small DataGridView controls. I feed the data sources of the controls in background thread. This IS NOT the source of the problem. The grids have to be updated in "real time", so I update them at least once a second, for testing I set 100ms per update. It works, however UX is very choppy and unresponsive. When I try to move controls on screen the movement is not smooth.

When I disable a single line in code:

control.DataSource = items;

it runs perfectly smooth with no hickups, but of course I have no data in grids. I have data read from database, processed in code, only not displayed. All those operations don't take much CPU or IO time, my machine is almost idle.

What can I do to stop grid updates from blocking UI? Invoke or BeginInvoke does not help. The same thread, the same message loop. Is there a way for non-blocking update?

Increasing update interval doesn't help much - the hickup occurs less often, but it ALWAYS occurs which is very disturbing when a user tries to move a control from one window to another. The feature of draggable controls is crucial to the app. Is there something to be done to improve UX except creating own, low-level, optimized DGV?

No, I won't paste my code here, it's too huge and most of it is completely irrelevant to the problem. The problem is simple. I got data ready in memory DataSet objects. All I need is to pass it to DataGridView controls without UI hickups on "dgv.DataSource = myDataTable" operations.

  • Can you give us a few numbers? How many DGVs with about how many records in total are we talking about?
    – TaW
    Jun 9, 2014 at 9:31
  • Up to 100 DGV, up to 30k total rows distributed between all controls. I test it on 15 DGV with 10k rows. I think it would be best to hold update after receiving mousedown on main form, until mouseup is received.
    – Harry
    Jun 9, 2014 at 11:26
  • Hm, that's like, not totally nothing for a winforms gui. I ain't no WPF fan, but that might call for a different platform..
    – TaW
    Jun 9, 2014 at 11:28
  • Do you think WPF would be faster? If so, I should seriously consider it.
    – Harry
    Jun 9, 2014 at 11:34
  • Yes. It uses Direct3D instead of GDI+ which brings it a few decades closer to today's hardware. IMO it is a bitch to learn for an old man like me, but most certainly well worth it!
    – TaW
    Jun 9, 2014 at 11:43


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