This is question is duplicate of question :

iOS 7 MPMoviePlayerController seek forward button brings the video to the End and displays Black screen

since I did not get proper answer, posting it again.

Issue is : in MPMoviePlayerController fast forward and rewind buttons work only when user does the long press. If user does the single click, blank screen appears in video screen. How to disable single click on these buttons ?


1 Answer 1


The best option is probably to not use the standard controls and add your own.

This page gives detailed information on how to do that: http://wosimei.wordpress.com/2013/08/13/how-to-custom-a-ios-movie-player-control-bar/

You can then control the playback using the methods in the MPMediaPlayback protocol.

  • you should know better than to post a link-only. show the code. links break! Jul 3, 2014 at 12:28

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