I notice that every time I rebuild my InstallShield project the file PROJECT_ASSISTANT\Interm\ISSetup.dll is updated. As described in the documentation, it executes InstallScript custom actions.

I always deliver a single exe PROJECT_ASSISTANT\SINGLE_EXE_IMAGE\DiskImages\DISK1\Setup.exe to my customers, and the installation runs smoothly without this ISSetup.dll.

So is this ISSetup.dll packed into the single setup.exe somehow? If not, how the Installscripts are executed on client machine?

I would like to tell you the project type (be a Basic MSI, InstallScript, or InstallScript MSI), but since I build my project from command-line (InstallShield 2012 SpringSP1 SAB) and am not able to open the project in GUI mode to view the properties pane, I don't know how to get this information from an .ism (XML format) file.

2 Answers 2


I forget the exact mechanics of where the file is included in each project type that may use it (sometimes it's directly in setup.exe, sometimes it's indirect). Regardless, ISSetup.dll is always the compiled InstallScript engine (the C++ part), and often has the compiled setup.inx (InstallScript part) "streamed" onto it. Something (perhaps setup.exe, perhaps a Windows Installer custom action) calls into it to run InstallScript code that we provided, or that you wrote.

So the short answer to the original question is: yes.

To answer the unasked questions, the Interm folder is an intermediate folder used for staging some of the files that get built into setup.exe or into the .msi file, and ISSetup.dll definitely receives updated compiled script code for each build of a Basic MSI or InstallScript MSI that includes custom actions.

  • Yes, this answers my unasked question. I don't want to back up ISSetup.dll and several other files to SVN but I was not sure if I could ignore them, now I know they are intermediate.
    – kennyzx
    Sep 12, 2014 at 12:34
  • I've always seen ISSetup.dll in the Binary table and it exports functions such as those used by the Setup Files / SUPPORTDIR pattern. Sep 12, 2014 at 19:26
  • I think ISSetup.dll would always need to be in the Binary table to support running from an admin-image installation point (not sure how well Installscript MSI works here - I avoid the project type). I have updated my answer with a Dependency Walker screen shot from an older ISSetup.dll file. In earlier versions of Installshield an Installscript runtime was required, but I think this was changed or fixed in version 12. Sep 12, 2014 at 21:11

I believe the ISSetup.dll is compiled into the MSI's binary table and extracted as part of the launching of the msi via msiexec.exe - at least for Basic MSI files.

The setup.exe wrapper probably contains the whole ISSetup.dll - perhaps statically linked or embedded somehow. Michael Uhrman (Installshield developer) will probably comment if he sees this question.


I found a version of this ISSetup.dll file, see a screen shot from Dependency Walker below. In addition to the exported functions seen, there are also COM register and unregister methods exported (DllRegisterServer, DllUnregisterServer, DllCanUnloadNow, DllGetClassObject). The f-functions must be the various Installscript functions. The first 5 functions must be related to Installscript MSI.

enter image description here

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