How do I compare two lists in groovy

[N1OB] == [ABCD9, ABCD8, ABCD7] -> should return false

[ABCD1, ABCD1, ABCD1, ABCD1] == [ABCD9, ABCD8, ABCD7] -> should return false

[ABCD1, ABCD1, ABCD1, ABCD1] == [ABCD9, ABCD8, ABCD1] -> should return true

is there any groovy function there to do this?

Thanks in advance

2 Answers 2


I solved by

List newList = ["ABCD9", "ABCD8", "ABCD7"]
List oldList = ["dfgdfg"]


Think it is correct, can someone suggest

  • 2
    intersect is the way to go for your goal. your question should have reflected this a little more...
    – cfrick
    Sep 18, 2014 at 10:06
  • 1
    Keep in mind here that intersect does not return a boolean but the intersection of two lists. In your logic, it is Groovy Truth which kicks in to validate that there is at least on intersection. Benefit:- If required, you can get the common elements as def commonItems = newList.intersect(oldList). :) If you just need to check with a boolean you can also use !newList.disjoint(oldList). disjoint() returns a boolean.
    – dmahapatro
    Sep 18, 2014 at 13:44
  • @dmahapatro, I didn't got your point clearly, I guess intersection + groovy truth is working fine for me Sep 29, 2014 at 4:46

disjoint() returns false if any element in list one is in list two. If you add negation you will have:

!(['N1OB'].disjoint(['ABCD9', 'ABCD8', 'ABCD7']))  // false

!(['ABCD1', 'ABCD1', 'ABCD1', 'ABCD1'].disjoint(['ABCD9', 'ABCD8', 'ABCD7']))  // false

!(['ABCD1', 'ABCD1', 'ABCD1', 'ABCD1'].disjoint(['ABCD9', 'ABCD8', 'ABCD1']) )  // true

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