I am trying to upgrade my system from Openlayers 2 to Openlayers 3 and I have having one particular issue that I cannot seem to figure out.

My application has a grid and a map and when a user clicks on the grid I want to select the relevant point on the map.

In Openlayers 2 I used the following:


I cannot find or understand how to do the same in Openlayers 3.

So to be clear, I have a feature which I have found programmatically and I want to select that feature on a map (programmatically)!

I cannot seem to find anything in the APIs but that might be due to my lack of understanding as I am new to Openlayers.

3 Answers 3


To do this you need to do the following:

mySelectControl.getFeatures().clear() -> removes the selected items

mySelectControl.getFeatures().push(featureToSelect) -> selects the applied feature
  • @bebraw - I will when StackOverflow will let me, says I have to wait another hour (from time of writing) Oct 19, 2014 at 8:35
  • 1
    Thanks for that. It's far from obvious in any of the official documentation or any of the examples I've found, that you can push() to the getFeatures() array. [Yeah, I know, it's inherent in the definition of ol.Collection, but that's only obvious in hindsight]
    – Auspex
    Feb 23, 2017 at 9:35
var selectInteraction = new ol.interaction.Select(}); 

function highlightFeature(feat){
      type: 'select',
      selected: [feat],
      deselected: []

works like a char on latest openlayers 4.5

  1. Add a select interaction to your map.

    var selectInteraction = new ol.interaction.Select();
  2. Add any features you want to select to the select interaction's feature array.


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