I'am looking for an easy authentication for my users mostly via facebook, but keeping OpenID and other OAuth alternatives as well. For the case if something will go very bad, I will ask my users to optionally provide their email address, which should be obtained via OpenID or OAuth if possible. The same thing is about their name.

I am a newbie in Rails, so I started with Railscasts.com #160 (authlogic) and #170 (authlogic and OpenID), however, I had some problems trying to sign in with my Google Account. As I understand, it will take some effort to adjust #170 for my objectives. On the other hand, there is gem authlogic_rpx which will possibly provide me the needed functionality (see http://rails-authlogic-rpx-sample.heroku.com/signin).

What would you do? Is it reasonable to put one more step (RPX) in the authentication logic?

1 Answer 1


This is an authlogic and declarative_authorization example that I'm adding facebook connect to right now. http://github.com/jspooner/authlogic_cucumber_rspec_example

This is an authlogic openid example that is 90%. I hit a bug and haven't had time to check it out. http://github.com/jspooner/authlogic_openid_example

Hope these examples help.

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