I'm embedding a pygame display in a GTK widget to implement debug controls for a game prototype.

It seems I'm forced to use PyGTK to handle the inputs for the game. My callbacks receive the gtk key-press-events, but button-press-events never makes it.

class Dashboard():
self.drawingarea_game = gtk.DrawingArea()
self.drawingarea_game.set_flags(gtk.CAN_DEFAULT | gtk.CAN_FOCUS | gtk.SENSITIVE | gtk.PARENT_SENSITIVE)
gobject.timeout_add(60, game.test_loop)
self.drawingarea_game.connect("button-press-event", game.mousepress)
self.drawingarea_game.connect("key-press-event", game.keypress)

class Game():
def keypress(self, widget, event):
    if event.keyval == 100: #d
        self.SCREEN_POSITION_X = -30
    if event.keyval == 97:  #a
        self.SCREEN_POSITION_X = 0
    if event.keyval == 115: #s
        self.SCREEN_POSITION_Y = -30
    if event.keyval == 119: #w
        self.SCREEN_POSITION_Y = 0
    return True

def mousepress(self, widget, event):

I also tried checking for a pygame event, in case it somehow got hijacked, but that doesn't report anything either:

class Game():
def test_loop(self):
for event in pygame.event.get():
    if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:

The drawing area is nested so: Window -> HBox -> VBox

I have a couple of buttons elsewhere in the window that receive clicks fine.

Any ideas?

1 Answer 1


The mouse event has to be explicitly declared for the drawing area, apparently in contrast to the keystroke event. It works after adding:


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