I did not want to make this too long as it would be tedious to read so if you dont want to read it i basically want to know how to run nested ssh and receive the output to a variable. Note: My script examples here are all experimental i changed them so much that they may be fully wrong.

I am having a problem when writing a python script to complete the Bandit games located at overthewire.com.

I have succeeded in completing the first 12 levels however at level 13 the game requires you to use a private key and ssh from within the current level. Which means i need to have a nested ssh within the paramiko module. I have been using exec_command for most of the other levels, However when entering any commands that has to do with network(e.g. Netcat,telnet,ssh,openssl connect, etc) The script hangs when using normal exec_command

I have done some research and discovered the ssh.invoke_shell command which launches an invisable shell. This way seems to work however i need to grab the input which would return me the password for the next level. When grabbing input i am unsure how to receive the full amount of input as it only displays a certain amount of bytes (channel.recv(9999)) and it is very inconsistent.

How can i have nested SSH within paramiko. I am confused on what to loop through. This method uses ssh.invoke_shell()

import paramiko

def connect(server,user,pwd):
except paramiko.AuthenticationException:
    print "Invalid password!"
    print "Please check your internet connection!"

if re.search('^bandit[0-9]$|^bandit1[0-9]$|^bandit2[0-5]', UserInput):

   if UserInput == 'bandit13':
       pwd = '8ZjyCRiBWFYkneahHwxCv3wb2a1ORpYL'
       chan = ssh.invoke_shell()
       data = ' '
       while True:
          if chan.recv_ready():
             resp = chan.recv(9999)
             data += resp


          if data.endswith("bandit13@melinda~$:"):
             chan.send("ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -i sshkey.private bandit14@localhost\n") 
          if data.endswith("bandit14@melinda~$:"): 
             channel.send("cat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit14\n")
             data += chan.recv(9999)
       print data

Other code i would run would just to try and receive all the output would be really inconsistent for example:

   chan.send('''ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -i sshkey.private bandit14@localhost''')
    data = ' '
    for c in range(1,50):
        if chan.recv_ready:
            resp = chan.recv(9999)
            data += resp
    print data


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Please read /README.txt for more information on how to play the levels
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@lodit13@melinda:~$ ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -i sshkey.private bandit14

Which basically shows me that i am not printing the full output. This is very inconsistent as sometimes the script would just hang.


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