I noticed that adding an element to a list does change its hash-key value and therefore it cannot be accessed again since .contains(modifiedObject) won't get a collision here. I did not expect that behavior to be honest. Makes me wonder how HashSet does its hashing .. So how can I make sure to not destroy my HashSet as I modify e.g. a list of strings as shown below. Is there a method to do that safe or is that just something I have to look out as a programmer?

private HashSet<List<String>> bagOfWordsMap = new HashSet<List<String>>();

private void createBagOfWordsList(UnifiedTag[] invalidTags) {

    for(List<String> sentences : getSentenceList()) {

        List<String> sentenceStemWords = new ArrayList<String>();

        // Not what you would want to do since sentenceStemWords is 
        // modified right after and bagOfWordsMap.contains(sentenceStemWords)
        // won't collide again:

        // bagOfWordsMap.add(sentenceStemWords);

        for(String word : sentences) {

            String stem = Stemmer.getStem(word);

  • 1
    Have you tried overriding the equals and hashCode methods in some subclass of ArrayList that you've made? Mar 14, 2015 at 10:09
  • @christopher: what would be a useful/meaningful alternative definition of equals? Mar 14, 2015 at 10:11
  • Perhaps collating the values inside the list into some format? Mar 14, 2015 at 10:12
  • In C I might think of just hashing the objects start address in memory I don't know if that is smart but I guess that would be one way to ensure that you always get back the object you wanted to get access to later on. I am not sure if or how I could do such a thing in Java but overriding hashCode seems to be a possible solution for that. Mar 14, 2015 at 10:14
  • I have the feeling that the problem is that a Set is not the correct data structure for what you want. Why a Set and not something else? How do you get the lists from the Set?
    – Augusto
    Mar 14, 2015 at 10:16

2 Answers 2


Never use a mutable object as key in a map or set

Implement a frozen type that cannot be modified anymore if you want to prevent accidential modification!

  • fine print: it's technically okay to have mutable attributes on an object if they don't change the key, but you won't be able to access them easily by key in a java set, as there is no HashSet.get to get the current member, only a contains. Also, it's bad style and fragile. It's much better to split such objects into key, value.

One way is to use an UnmodifiableList<String> instead of a List<String> in your HashSet.

Another option is to use a HashMap<String,List<String>> instead of your HashSet<List<String>>, provided that you can associate some unique String key with each of your Lists.

  • Then I'm pretty sure OP won't be able to add it into the list in the first place? Mar 14, 2015 at 10:08
  • @christopher It would force him to remove a List from the HashSet and add a new List with the modified content. While this would have some performance cost, it would protect against corrupting the HashSet.
    – Eran
    Mar 14, 2015 at 10:10
  • Aaaah yes. Sorry, it's early! +1. Mar 14, 2015 at 10:12
  • Okay I guess that is also a valid solution but only in the case if I a) want to disallow manipulation of my List<String> and b) have to live with the fact that I am only allowed to add the object to the hash map after initializing it. Mar 14, 2015 at 10:16
  • @StefanFalk what HashMap? Your code uses a HashSet. If you keep the lists as the values in a HashMap (and decide on some unique immutable key), you'll be able to modify them after adding them to the Map.
    – Eran
    Mar 14, 2015 at 10:26

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