I was wondering where I would find the source code for the Meteor packages that start with "mrt:" Are they not quite official? Atmosphere doesn't help much because there are no links to the github repos.

More specifically I want to submit an issue with "mrt:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3" because the "loginButtons" template can't be found after I updated to Meteor 1.0.4. I am using "accounts-ui" for the time being which is really not nice.

  • Packages beginning with mrt are the 'old' packages AFAIK
    – dayuloli
    Mar 19, 2015 at 11:59
  • Thank you @dayuloli. You are right: atmospherejs.com/mrt Orphaned packages. Thank you for the answer to this rather foolish question :) Mar 19, 2015 at 12:02

1 Answer 1


Packages beginning with mrt are the 'old' packages. You should instead find an equivalent package without mrt which is active and maintained.

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