I have searched for this, but wasn't able to find anything directly related to the Windows Phone 8.1 Environment, please let me know if there is a link available as I would have thought this would be a common question..

I am trying to navigate to another page from within a UserControl when an Item in a list is tapped, however, I am having troubling getting Parent page's Frame so I can navigate.

Essentially, I am trying to do this within the User Control.

 private void lstFoo_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
        Page parentPage = this.Parent as Page; //Returns null

        if (parentPage != null)
            parentPage.Frame.Navigate(typeof(BarPage), e.ClickedItem);

The User Control will be used on multiple pages, and all with the same result, however I just can't work out how to get that Navigate to work and then pass the parameter along. Any help would be appreciated..


  • I have the same prob. but no one has given the appropriate answer yet. if you have solved it ... then plz share it here. :) +1 Mar 1, 2016 at 5:02

1 Answer 1


If you are using standard WP template with one Frame set as Content of your Window then it should be possible to do it like this:

private void lstFoo_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
    (Window.Current.Content as Frame).Navigate(typeof(BarPage), e.ClickedItem);

Only look out with passing this parameter - if it's not serializable then when your app will be suspended then SuspensionManager will throw exception.

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