I want to return different pages when the user logs into the system based on their role.

I have this method for logging-in, but I don't know how return different URL's.

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
           .antMatchers("/css/**", "/js/**", "/images/**", "/data/**",  "/", "/home").permitAll()


How I can do this? It is possible do if you don´t add a new controller where redirect after login and this redirect to different url in base him role?

Thank you very much!

  • I do not understand what you mean by: "...by him role" - but maybe this helps. stackoverflow.com/a/14577220/280244
    – Ralph
    Apr 25, 2015 at 12:27
  • @Ralph that is login user with role user have a different page that if login admin with role admin. I need give a different url for when user login redirect a page or other
    – herzo
    Apr 25, 2015 at 13:53

1 Answer 1


You can use the defaultSuccessUrl and failureUrl on both the .formLogin() and .logout functions. Here is an example:

    .logoutRequestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/logout"))

As far as a redirect for each user role, I would suggest the defaultSuccessUrl page have redirects based on the user's role:

<sec:authorize access="hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')">"
    <c:redirect url="/admin.html"/>
<sec:authorize access="hasRole('ROLE_USER')">"
    <c:redirect url="/user.html"/>
  • This is what I need, great. But there is a problem, I use everything in java and annotations, as could make part of the url to a function of role? I override the method? I "copy" this stackoverflow.com/questions/7470405/… ; but I dont have xml, how make in java anottations?
    – herzo
    Apr 25, 2015 at 19:21

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