I want Android Studio Emulator to run a previous Android version to test web pages. How can I download or make changes in the Android Studio to make the Emulator run 4.4 and not Lollipop?

  • As a suggestion (I know it isn't an answer to your question) you might want to look into alternate emulators such as Genymotion as the native emulator isn't known for being fantastic.
    – zgc7009
    May 1, 2015 at 14:51

4 Answers 4


Step 1: Install KitKal 4.4 SDK Platform from SDK Manager

enter image description here

Step 2: Open AVD Manager (Create or Edit emulator)

enter image description here

Step 3: Change API level

enter image description here

  • I don't see an option to install Android 4.4
    – Kalzone
    May 1, 2015 at 15:39
  • API 19 is 4.4.2 (which is 4.4 with bug fixes)
    – user4774371
    May 1, 2015 at 16:00
  • You can create emulator by API level not by OS version
    – user4774371
    May 1, 2015 at 16:01
  • Looks like I don't see them because of this error when I open the SDK Manager: Failed to fetch URL dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/addons_list-2.xml, reason: peer not authenticated Any workaround to fix this?
    – Kalzone
    May 1, 2015 at 16:09
  • 1
    Nevermind.. I had to disconnect form my company's network. Thanks for your help :)
    – Kalzone
    May 1, 2015 at 16:13

First of all you need to download the SDK version you wish to run your application on trough the SDK manager.

Assuming you have already done that you simply need to create your own new virtual device trough the AVD manager.

You can do that here

From there on out it's very clear what you have to do.

If you still have problems you can consult:



Look at the following screenshot:

Android Studio

The third icon is the SDK Manager where you can download the system images to build AVD, the fourth icon is where you can create new AVD.

Personally i recommend you to download Genymotion which uses VirtualBox to run Android virtual device and it's very much faster than the standard emulator.


You can open SDK Manager From

and select API leve from list

click Install XX packages button,

hope can help you

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