I'm trying to get my head around this SQL question: A database for a hotel chain contains the following tables:

    Hotel(HotelNo, HotelName, City)   
    Room(RoomNo, HotelNo, Type, Price)  
    Booking(HotelNo, GuestNo, DateFrom, DateTo, RoomNo)     
    Guest(GuestNo,  GuestName, GuestAddress)

I want to List the details of all rooms at the Grosvenor Hotel,including the name of the guest staying in the room, if the room is occupied.

I'm okay with joining 2 tables in SQL but I don't know how to go about joining 4 tables.

My attempt would probably be:

SELECT Room.*, Guest.GuestName 
    FROM Room
    INNER JOIN Hotel, Booking, Guest
    ON Hotel.HotelName = "Grosvenor Hotel", Hotel.HotelNo = Room.HotelNo, Booking.GuestNo = Guest.GuestNo;

I think that's completely wrong but anyway, hopefully someone knows what I should be doing. Thanks in advance


3 Answers 3


The correct syntax is:

SELECT Room.*, Guest.GuestName 
INNER JOIN Hotel on Hotel.HotelNo = Room.HotelNo, 
inner join Booking on Booking.hotelno= Hotel.HotelNo
inner join Guest on Booking.GuestNo = = Guest.GuestNo
where Hotel.HotelName = "Grosvenor Hotel"

Try this :

  select g.roomno, g.guestname 

  from hotel h join room r on h.hotelno = r.hotelno
   join booking b on b.hotelno=r.hotelno 
   join guest g on g.guestno=b.guestno

  where h.hotelname='Grosvenor Hotel';

you can also try this .. It Will help You

SELECT Room.*, Guest.GuestName FROM Room
INNER JOIN Hotel on Hotel.HotelNo = Room.HotelNo, 
join Booking on Booking.HotelNo= Hotel.HotelNo
join Guest on Booking.GuestNo = Guest.GuestNo
where Hotel.HotelName = "Grosvenor Hotel"

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